Monday, 24 October 2011

New wark Museum

This week in visual design we went to the New wark Museum to draw the dinosaur bones. This was meant to be a task that we did in year one, but the exhibition was closed last year. I didn’t realise the museum was so big, otherwise I would have liked to have gone before in my own time. 
However, it was busy (with lots of kids in so maybe it was half term). This made it difficult to draw, as there was not a lot of room, and there were a lot of us. I managed to stay in the dinosaur exhibition long enough to get my twelve sketches, and I also drew some of the stuffed deer in the animal exhibit. I’m going to have to go back there to draw more of the animals if I get the time. 
For the sketches, I painted them with ink, as I liked how this turned out in the last task. I enjoyed doing this task, the bones where fun to draw and it made a change being in out of the cold. As with last week’s task, I’ll post the final piece up once it’s done, until then, here are my sketches

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